A high hairline can cause insecurity for many people, especially women. Often times, a women with a high hairline, will attempt to disguise her forehead with various hair styles. Baltimore cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. James E. Vogel, specializes in hairline lowering for qualified patients. The procedure only takes two hours can help reduce the look of an over-sized forehead restoring balance and symmetry in the face.
About the Hairline Lowering Procedure
The hairline lowering operation is a terrific way for well selected patients to achieve a lower hairline in 2 hours! The operation is performed while the patient is sedated in our certified surgical center by our dedicated anesthetist. An incision is made at the hairline and extends into the temporal area within the hair bearing region. Through this incision the scalp is advanced forward. Excess forehead skin is then removed and the hairline is placed at a new lowered position. In most cases the hairline can be lowered by about 1/2 to 1 inch in a single procedure. Stitches are removed in one week, most patients are back to work in a few days, and are able to wash their hair the next day. In some cases a follow up hair transplant is desired to lower the hairline further and cover the hair line scar.

3 Month Following Hairline lowering
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about hair line lowering and live in or near Baltimore, Maryland, please contact Dr. James Vogel today.